may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


i am sorry,but all cluster bombs are specifically outlawed
Palestine is acknowledged by the United Nations
Jerusalem is a dual capitol ,and Gaza blockade illegal
Those walls have come down,so people can live together
West Bank shared and peace declared.
Now we can get on with prosperity!No need for tunnels from Egypt
Cement is pouring for foundations of small businesses
Schools and roads and sewage systems
Water resources shared so agriculture can grow
IDF becomes a Peace Corps.
No more nuclear weapons.Inspections universal.
Swords beaten in to ploughshares
Crops rise in deserts of Palestine
Refugees return,to their only Holy Lands
Peace and her people have returned again.
No more Wailing Walls-more singing/dancing!
(for Naomi Shihab Nye)

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