may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

my name is oil,sea turtle, and shrimp

i only have one vote(life).It is for clear clean water
You cannot drive your cars into the sea
but some Pied Piper seduced you with toll roads and taxes
to build concrete poems everywhere-for the God of Gridlock
makes Houston uninhabitable,.Dallas dangerous and Austin anarchist
You say you are but small-you have no power at all
And it is true we all contemplate extinction at some time
This has happened before-spills upon the sea floor
Plumes of public relations spin doctors spouting oil slick advertising
You cannot eat oil.You cannot drink oil.Plastic lives forever
I try hard to ignore the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico
I drive my little recycled car only because there is no bus
I used to walk and bicycle,but it is no longer us-
more BIG business,BIG BP ,corporate corpses
Dawn of a new Dead Sea-where nothing lives
Light gets in between oil globules.Science coerced
between belief in Acts of God and Negligence via Man
I am small fish.This is a whale of an ocean
There is only one.Planet.Home.It spills in us
and who dare ask a government/when it is business
as usual?My name is..

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