may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Taste

You come to a road that is blocked
You know you have options-you can stop.
Meditate (if the traffic will allow) -
or seek a detour. If none, you can contemplate alternatives..
You can fantasize about driving over or around the roadblock
You can decide that greater logic rules
and the roadblock is there for a reason
(Rationalize why you are not in motion on your life path)
You can cancel your trip right there and then-
others have before you-they have handed in their chips when
odds were stacked against them
You are no hero. You defer to mortality
IF you chose to ignore this block
it might end in your demise
IF you resorted to cheap fantasy,
(that the roadblock will melt in the face of your persistence)
you may be proven wrong entirely
And still-every day-that same question remains-
are we to be blocked arbitrarily by random fate
or to make our own every day?

Endings? or endless beginnings?
Denial? or acceptance?
Bargaining? Anger? Resistance?
Victorians excursed on graveyard Sundays
perambulating stone family plots
placing flowers and weeding like Egyptians
Afterlife meant remembrances .Rituals. Relics.
We are ash moments. Flame furnaces. Flash bombs. Gone!
Small anonymous squares in green lawns
Boxes and urns our modern Pyramids.
Smaller by degrees. We become less when forgotten
We have forgotten our ancestors. Which means
we will be forgotten. Often in our life time.
Anonymous as job cuts and random pain
dispensed to individuals generically, we
wound and are wounded by neglect
more than intention. We forget origins/let
animals extinction become ours soon-
polar bears drown. Bees disappear. Birds too
our wings grow smaller /less. Mortalities beckon
We rationalize. Bargain. Laugh @emptiness/
Read obituary columns. Wonder who will be

weigh my body with my carbon footprint
my luggage with a gold brick
my airline with a deficit budget
my staff cuts with my pilot error
my crowded skies with air traffic controllers
my anger with my Zen
my TSA with my CIA and FBI
my SECURITY clearance
my ozone layer with my hole
my weather disruptions with my predictive capacity


example is best—the artist
on street corners
harassed by police,
the musician moved along,
buddhist beggar smiling.
Little jesuses,
all murdered like birds for their song


Too easy to leave the room
to those who push and jostle.
There is space enough (and time)
for every body, heart, mind...

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