may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Where everything is on the curriculum-capitalism,communism,poetry
anarchy ,Buddhism,unionism,Tejano history,Turtle Island histories
tribal stories,ancestor worship,oral cultures,all languages
every theory from creationism to cults-all systems of worship
and their antidotes/inventories of all civilizations past,present,future..
Personality cults from Kampuchea to Cuba,art from cave to installations
How to dismantle atomic bombs and other classic U2 tracks
Music from click sticks to post modern instant orchestras
Game theories mathematical to digital.Physics to philosophies.
Chemistry of dating sites.All real/all virtual/all universal
Media and other conspiracy theories.Panaceas and folk remedies
A universalist curriculum based upon skills rather than content
How to edit.How to listen.How to publish.How to increase circulation
Examples would be found from every field of endeavor
to best indicate what really works,and how failures happen
Evolution would be practiced as well as preached,and questioned deeply
Critical synthesis would be offered to all prepared to think
and feel simultaneously.This school is everywhere.There are no fees
apart from curiosity,applied intelligence and positive energies
You do not need walls to make a cage
The bars are those parts of oneself we choose not to see
They only work when we ignore and DELETE
You founded this school-now open it!
EMBRACE ALL WISDOM! on March 17,2010

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