may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, April 22, 2011


across borders,refugees/seeking safety instead of change
within sleepy dictatorships/awakenings inflame/incite/burning tires/shot
tension between casualties(truth or witnesses?)
Every day,another one of us flames down via militaries(we pay for this
Drones bomb our homes in disputed territories
Where is Palestine for Palestinians?Bombed in homes
Civilian food convoys 9 bodies down.Both sides war upon innocents.
We pay for police to torture us.Jails to hide us from each other
Borders can no longer contain us-we bulge ,break out,seek work
to feed our growing children.Gangs of thugs pay child soldiers
Corrupt as China,black budgets weapons manufacture
Crackdown on information Tibet/Nepal/Kashmir
You make war zones in our homes.We pay per view.
Digital children divorced from feeling privitise punishments
Torture prisons.Abu Ghraib.Bagram .Guantanamo.(we know,we know
yet still a 22 year old is solitary confined for alleged Wikileaking
All our children in prison.Schools.Wage slavery.MacDonalds.
Build a Formula One race track to distract us from pollution
Fund cars while prosecuting bicycles/pedestrians
(we know,we know..This itch for freedom.Dare we scratch?
Syria,Libya,Saudi Arabia,Bahrain,Qatar,Yemen
yet we make our own homes in to a security prison.Gated communities
Guards patrol in case we realize (Battery hens-shocked in to production
Are we cage free?Organic?Soylent green?Too late ,Earth Day?
our time is counted eggs in a broken basket
Humpty Dumpty on the Great Firewall of China.CENSOR THIS!
There are some spaces even GOOGLE cannot go
They are the places on a "need to know"basis
We need to know!Break up black budgets.Balance war with peace
Make this Zone (our planet home)-temporary /autonomous ,please
so we might be at ease /in prosperity/contemplating comm-unities...

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