may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, April 22, 2011

you cannot tell a tin man he is made of tin

nor a soldier he is a murderer(he knows,he knows
wave a flag until salutes/body bags upon request.Another war zone
Your home.Your school.The Right To NOT carry weapons.Peace
This earth is ancient-more than 5000 years.Gods before and after us
Mars for wars and Jupiter.Kali /Shakti .Child sacrifice.
Myth allows us to cull our stock to propitiate dark gods.
Half of us wants to kill the other half of us.First-demonize
Next-separate.So we can better blindfold and abuse
Censorship essential.(Dull the news-make comedy an industry
Celebrities can smile as tanks roll in to villages
Hollywood cartoons distract from body counts
Documentaries afterwards and satire reveal
too late what we are losing and have lost.This is to STOP that.
Dreaming change is change-but not enough.Your actions required.Start
here and now-reclaim time,energies,attention
for your times demand David wins against Goliath
Samson Agonistes.Milton's Paradise Lost(regained)
Not by painting green Potemkin Villages for Presidential parades
more by gardens in a drought age,goodwill on a world stage
The way you play this game dictates
how far we have come from cave age.Fire?Spear?Kill?
or draw upon our mural walls until art is life and will
is in alignment with all higher harmonies.Dream?Yes,until....

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