may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, April 24, 2010


your eyes glaze at hitchhiking tales
(so passe-impossible these mass murdering days..
much less talk of acid,mushrooms,peyote,visionquests-
all these outside your experience
LEGALIZE IT! translates as "decriminalize"
Medical Marijuana the new front line
prisons still bulge with non-violent offenders
drug wars now behead both police and army
This conversation becomes another when
there are certain topics verboten
Once records were not censored-
now they carry FCC warnings-and radio and TV
are censored media-with fines for lapses
Free speech a lost issue-when protestors are tasered
and FREE SPEECH ZONES limit liberties until they are lost
We are now used to abuse by police-
black people still shot,illegals still jailed..
No one questions why prisons are for profit
privitized and poor quality-like schools
(which have become low level detention camps)
Never ask about waterboarding,tortures or civilian murders
There are issues we dare not speak about
to even raise them brings in Teheran,China,Tibet
This is where poetry is needed.Here is where we ask you..
Where are your words of wisdom -for the defense of the human race
requires a sense of humanity,respect ,focus and attention
This is where you come in...

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