may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, April 10, 2010


The idea of an idea is a false idea
The idea of a frog is not a frog
A cartoon is a movie slowed right down
You cannot eat ideas-even Readers 'Digest
The picture of a meal satisfies visual appetites
The sound of a promise is sedation
VOTE FOR YOURSELF!(says every politician!
Water over paper-are ideas waterproof?
Storm insurance for rising tides of peoples?
Is retro-the future?
Who was it said-personify!?
Flat Earth Societies fell off the globe
Divorce-(nuclear family)-once atom split=Humpty Dumpty!
Do you believe in ideas?How about not?
The limits of belief are will.
Projecting a movie of projectionists(solipsims slippers
Kangaroo logic-naming creates reality!
Basho frog sushi.Served on lily pads!
Sand once rainforests will be oasis.Just add water!
All water is recycled.Just like us.
If ONCE UPON A TIME is now(what happens next?
Heaven was here(until rents rose.EVICTED(again!
Ideas do not clash.Cars and people and economies crash.
A bird does not need to know she is a bird-or that she is a she.
Identity is not a crisis-more a manna festation.
You weave your selves in to every lion.ROAR!
Coach to train to plane to ?
Progress of ideas is oven retro-
It is fashionable to copy original fashions!

ever felt something that does not have a name?
ever NOT felt an emotion?
ever been stuck in a feeling ?
ever visited an emotion(with no return ticket?
ever felt that emotions were not enough?
are you only emotions?
which one?
is detachment impossible?if not,how?
what time lapses before you feel?
how long does an emotion resonate?
what emotions are wrong?are any right?
how do you change emotions?
which feeling dies first?which survive us?
or do all emotions rely upon us to make them real?

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