may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, April 24, 2010


"everything changes when you start to sing!"
Once a month,Alison and Arno come to this Dripping Springs cafe
within a furniture store,an improvised stage
among the objects d'art-and they sing!
in a circle old as antiques-
they extend welcome to all in a come all ye
that resonates within what would otherwise be a shopping precinct
So we pilgrimaged to support in March
and again in April(for had they not extended their support
to Oda-Lisa @Round Robin Review(Maui Wowie?
Had they also not supported Thirsty Thursday?
(Third Thursdays at New Life Lutheran Church)
always with joy and panache and much positive energy!
So Lee played Native American flutes
Bob Mud played his many wind instruments
The night became a circle spiraling high
as smoke rising from some Sacred Fire
Elemental it was-added to by the fuel of voice
as Alison sang WORDS and Arno serenaded with guitar
Once a month is not enough-
yet they converted a coffee house/wine bar
into a tribal gathering(which always happens when you sing-
The wind listens.The sky is in tune
Earth hears and vibrates with us beneath our feet
and Dripping Springs becomes more human-
more than impending WALMART/
more than soccer mum shopping
And this always happens
when Alison and Arno gather in a circle
welcome you in-and you sing!
FOURTH FRIDAYS@Hemishere 28000 RR12 Dripping Springs

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