may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 8, 2011

"the child is father to the man"

Boymen -pudgy nerds with glasses/geeks with computers
obese diabetics on a sugar rush/crowd the couches of our TV nation
Magazines and porn sites keep the IQ @crotch level
objectifying sex with fake blonde bimbos a la PLAYBOY/Maxim
Fantasies extend via movies made for pre-adolescent marketing-knowing 9-14
is the demographic for moviewatchers and cartoon comix media fixations
Commentators crowd out journalists/sport voyeurism and car fixations
replace participation in active lifestyles.Freaks n geeks independent movie style.
Women are presented with huge breasts Freudian mum style
or slim hipped boygirl "pals"with plastic botox smiles
Empowered women Kali/Shakti/Madeleine Albright/Margaret Thatcher
Condeleeza Rice/Hiliary Clinton seek power like men
wear red and speak as elders would-to the children of America
Boymen in uniform in foreign countries or handling drones over distances
fight before voting/become adults by fate and default
while still sipping sodas and carving up pizzas for sugar and salt
are their chemical composition /with fat and preservatives in plastic packaging
All that is left is children breeding children.Grandmother cares for them
Grandmother wisdom becomes father to the new boymen...

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