may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ruta Maya 19 July-just before Samuel Kardec and his jazz virtuosos feature
A buzz of Light and life smiled through the open door
bringing in fresh futures.Iphones,laptops,collaborations proved modernity-
each supported the others as collective and singularly
they raised their voices to articulate their choices-
to live in a world that is ON THE EDGE
"Can you hear what i am not saying?"
Their listening a power unto itself-
young then younger recognized their powers
claimed the mike as theirs /and rose in lines
like waves of joy affirming futures.
All digitally connected,text and texting,Tweets and emailing
reading from screens as pages turned virtually
they were actually present-the listening quotient rose
Time slowed.Ears opened.Hands clapped.Eyes watched
and every moment became a sacred text shared.
This was theirs.They will never be as young again.
Bold,bright,brilliant-they added much to Tuesday's open mike evening
Quick and sharp as twice striking-lightning-enlightening!


Babies of Ruta Maya-since womb they have been here
Made welcome when the young were praised
and the mike was truly open.Tonight they are writing-those tracks on the page
are marks others see as scratch tokens.Cash gold wisdom.They speak them-
"I will go to the moon-then i will fly to Jupiter"
"It is my dreams that make me happy"
Hear the active listening?That is respect-
for the spring of youth is close to creation-
writing,dreaming,performing-listening ,sharing
This is the way a new world begins-again
every time you step upon the stage-
with a new vision/another dream-
and word play!

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