may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, August 27, 2011


i have removed all the punch lines so no one gets hurt
Comedy is a corporation,censored for mass audiences
"The truth?You CAN'T HANDLE the truth!"
so news is entertainment,celebrity sandwiches
made for fast food mass consumption
and the truly offensive jokes are privately shared-
grief,horror,pain,loss and death-these are fine wines
kept in dark cellars like crazy relatives
made to be shared only with consenting adults
The best of hiphop is humorous/satire relies upon shock
in the midst of the prosaic,death interrupts a holiday
(you are going to die.the end.)You stay to read the credits
"i would like to thank the Academy,my parents,my family...
Every little death is a rehearsed joke.Some fall flat.
The best are in bad taste-Russian jokes about Siberia
Jewish jokes about gas chambers.September 11 jokes
To deal with tragedy,we use comedy.It is not,nor ever was

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