may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"I am mad as hell and i am just not going to take it any more!"
so bubbled the fountain darter and the San Marcos gambusia
the Texas blind salamander and the Comal Springs riffle beetle
YES! chorused the Comal Springs dryopid beetle,the Peck's cave amphipod
along with every grain of Texas wild rice.It was not water but its lack they protested
one by one like waterholes drying up as heat took oxygen away from water
Even fat catfish bloated on the surface as funding cuts stressed teachers and librarians
All the invisible community volunteer bonds of goodwill strained by oceans of depletion/deprivation.
It was the smallest of us became most invisible-the obvious homeless lost habitat
were caged in research jails or simply gave up their lives in this interrogatory heat
Trees exhausted cried for water like prisoners.Gentle people robbed banks with written notes.
They could not afford a Tea Party ,nor a gun,nor threats -they cut their needs to the bone
yet even their bones needed to be parked somewhere.Governor Don't Care became God.
SECURITY reinforced insecurity.We are all threatened species.In the waters,we gather,muttering
One day the waters will rise up Tsunami Libya Syria Iran Palestine
Then we will see service over power,equality over cuts.
Goldfish bowl world.Who feeds you?Even the waters are crying...

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