beneath deserts-oases.Dig deeper-beneath headlines-we live
whether re-or depression/freedom of expression!See!
Native American medicine flute/poems of truth
this carpet is threaded with you and we
who gather do so as speech is social
more than virtual-actual voice to real ears and eyes and heart and mind
There are hidden harbingers of harmonies who find
doors opening as options close/they know but do not know
You find them when you align /with solutions/time
stops for us to catch up.Formats advance but we remain,human as hope
and trust we have both point and purpose
This time is dedicated to the heat/this to cool thoughts
next is rain and change and all that moistens
Soil and lips parched ask only to be replenished
We who live in deserts park in cities/ask the heat
to release us ,so we may,like gardens,grow again...
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