may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, August 12, 2011

for the love of Muse

who was your first love?remember?
soothing sound of another/lap of sound waves upon your shores
all that is has harmonies within/aligned and loving
to attune ,anneal,heal the savage beast within
Were you first six strings?or twelve?
acoustic?or electric?Did you jam with friends?
are they still around?or has life taken them?
immersed them in things more urgent and demanding-
other loves/health/family/needs that call like a child in the night
distracting from that new improvisation you are dreaming of?
Say you arrive at BLISSNINNIES-what took you to OLD DEAD BUG?
GRANDPA'S CHILI-or any circle of jam bands like SOUP?
Whence this idea of shared musical destinies?of improv as a way of life?
of creating temporary autonomous zones as gypsy homes?
of living a musical lifestyle?What Festivals called you-
Who do you listen to now when the soundboard recordings
spill the truth of those oh-so-urgent notes?
Worlds change in the blink of an arpeggio/those lost chords
may never be heard by any but you again-is this why
you sing within the winds?as every Muse knows-
all it takes -is one solitary witness-and a band follows...

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