may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

CONTROL,COMMODIFY,COMMERCIALIZE(how to balance the budget!)

Franchise Free Speech Zones as we privitise prisons
Wackenhut airports /wrest control from TSA
so profits can be made from instant incarceration
Make prison farms into farms-a prison-led recovery!
Ban books so folks cannot organize their own defense
(especially poetry-so beauty is banned,and the concept
of continuous surveillance,assessment and imprisonment rules!
Exceptions being secret police via acronyms( NSA,FBI,CIA,FCC etc)
Black budget SECURITY and billion dollar invasions
so folk who object to cuts in schools and Medicare
will not even ask where their taxes go-o!make taxes stealth
so the rich with trial lawyers can appeal and pay less
while tax cuts for the rich are balanced by job cuts for the poor
We can even franchise free speech,so folk will compete for cash
pay @the door,internalize class war,never mention the real issues
just personalize,trivialize,sensationalize-make more media lies for headlines
Once homeless are criminalized unless they can sing for their supper
and thus become a product themselves-set up AMERICAN CELEBRITY centers
so show business becomes the only business in town
Audition for distractions ,so mass media and movies only show
children's movies of competition-or cartoon versions thereof
Do not allow free speech except as entertainment-
tightly censored ,images controlled via FCC like dollars from the Federal Reserve
until a cascade of laws and lawyers allow no poor can afford defense.
Happily,no body buys poetry ,so they will not know
how control,commodification and commercialization were sold
so slavery and union bashing became hate radio
Guns may be necessary if Tea Parties fail to con
Trust that the people(will not know what is really going on....

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