may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, February 19, 2011

you are on these front lines

Snake Island Fool Moon fire burning
singers,dancers,shakers moving
until the midnight ferry loads up with smiles
everywhere is home again

I like that surrealist barista @BORDERS
thin as a smile,serving customers who know
they have closed the Austin BORDERS
Solo staff server says"i feel bad for those
for whom this was their career-for many it is
a bridge between college degrees"

(then my cat comes in with the moon in her eyes
and i dare not ask where she has been)

they are cutting soft flesh to the bone
they say it is necessary surgery
it may be an EMERGENCY budget
but we prefer EMERGENCE

they want to cut off public funds for public radio
privitize profits  like FOX news
would you put a FOX in charge  of your information?

black budgets,untouched
while rainbow coalitions ask
us to value books,schools,libraries,learning,love

she starts a story circle
where we listen to each other-
elders,knowing stories are a circle
eternal as ears,hearing each to each

so she sings @open mikes
where the harmonies are huge
and the healing rises like stars
sparks from campfires

all those houses never sold
sit like librarians,foreclosed
so we must be who we really are-
books in an age of e,love in an age of endings

and we will have a Festival!
and you will come with good news
we must be who we really are-
Celebrants of Eccentric Altruisms

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