may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today i will release Czeslow Milosz(and American Tanka)
Life is a time-limited exercise.They have been golden in their time
New lines await the mutant iphone laptop fish of Sunday
What survives beyond our time gratuituous /surreal
Walls fall(Tunisia,Egypt-while shots steal lives in streets
bombs burst @irregular intervals.Do you know when you will leave?
Bookstores close,libraries/schools cut,jobs deliberately lost
Release our panacea in this Age of Sudden Endings
Beginnings birth,too-you self-initiate spontaneously
make your space a garden,make your art a lifetime
Weather patterns mirror us-but we smile sunshine
Something calls us-salmon up waterfalls
Releases us from prose,exposes us to hidden wisdom
Beauty has changed,too-those parts of you acknowledging
these unique moments-to bless and release each ,as we rise
in the light of this day,under stars tonight(whether we see them or no-
we must all let them glow/most evades our border controls
Practice farewells before they become fact-
fictions sustain us.Our maps are blank
The voyage started ears ago.Now you know what to let go-
every thing you ever knew before...all...and more..

Sleeping Beauties for our garden-winter cut stems
with thorns ,in packaged soil,awaiting our care /ministrations
We are that which we will plant-sleeping for survival
Awakening for future visions..

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