may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, June 27, 2011

0 1 2 3

some never make it into body suits-
aborted,miscarried,like weapons that misfire

some remain solo solitaries/recluses all their lives
rare these individuals/precious as monasteries

most couple and un-,re-couple and marry
marked via serial monotony

in these couplets,a third sometimes-
an electron spinning round their orbits

whether this creates unstable combinations
your atomic theory relies upon such strange particles

quirks,quarks,dark matter-into a dark hole
ones who despair of ever finding another

attracted particles spin in eccentric orbits
turning atomic theories in to chaos

lost souls seek out the living
to find them on the dark side

here is where the three come in-
less Divinity,more three faces of Eve

jah wobble and wank,unstable ,thank
heavens for eccentric patterning!

there will always be a one
for another one to mate with

even alone,strange breeds
reproduce like insects

countdown to the launch of another relationship
threes company,two is often a crowd.

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