may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vestigial tails and atavistic hair

Perimeters of defensible space include kith and kin
After that a huge degree of separation between
where the walls surround Palestine and the walls of prisons
"Stone walls do not a prison make"but if our 3rd world incursions fail
it is because we do not relate to tribe nor clan
nor take an understanding that states are nothing more than familial and tribal men
Corruption when a Boss or Guru or God or Priesthood
chains Bibles in Latin to pulpits,and forbids the understanding of Mysteries.
Failed states may never have been more than clan winners
in wars between tribes for women ,water ,power and resources
Crime is political in its conservatism-whiteanting any structure without wanting change
Reform is only possible with a middle class that is not starved in to submission
Governments govern best when they are local,known,trusted and transparent
Wars will continue-but on a low key level-apportioning territories via violence
Making borders between tribe and clan apparent to any Machiavelli or Rousseau
Reptilian brain still rules when it comes to primal needs-
Empires rise and fall upon securing resources with which to feed
the few who recognize in each other a common thread
The rest is "foreign" and will end up dead.

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