may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

what we do not know

is what happens next. it is not
that we are in a plot that beggars characters.
we are unscripted.somewhat spontaneous
subject to pressures exerted via others.
it is less the leaving -more the digesting
of experiences determines our daily grind.attitude
is almost can dance on the job.
angels on the heads of pins.arrows of burning gol
Desire is a way to attune.One moon but so many lovers!
Stars rarely apologize.Meteors almost hit earth
Every body has an orbit.We swing,elliptically,eccentrically.
Sometimes we collide.Mostly via Divine Accidents
This is how New Worlds form.Matter is the Song Of Gravity.
Levity has no words(it hums,electrically)
To move requires Energy.(self-generated,affirmed selectively)
Whatever is said is Editorial.Forgive yourself first
Then put a seat belt on your opinions.
Unless you Release the Wilde Birds,there will only be Empty Cages
Even the sky has Borders.Limits.Histories.Versions
Science is a toy.Play with it!Religion says NO!(play anyway!
Homo Ludens is William Blake.
Adolescence D H Lawrence.Elders Bertrand Russell.
Parents A N Whitehead.Explorers Einstein.Workers Edison
You will need all of them to make yourself anew

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