may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, June 6, 2011


You are reading this as part of a "social network"
(which is a misnomer-as it is a virtual representation
(as words themselves-and language-sounds /symbols
are a code to REPRESENT connections/and replace them
with a mode more economic and efficient(binary code/alphabets)
The success of FACEBOOK and GOOGLE brings to light flaws
in the way we choose to link with each other-information is corporatised,
censored,becomes proprietorial,and an instrument of exchange
rather than an energy process of affirming friendships and affiliations.
Bits and bytes are then SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER
and the next step post hacking and stealth firewall invasions and Stuxnet and bots
is the breaking of the link between us via data invasions of privacy
This has already happened at a governmental level
Soon it will become another corporate platform
with venture capital to research the best ways to manipulate us for market forces
are now motivation for communication,and monetizing the mantra.
Be aware of privacy invasions on all levels
Antivirus ,spyware,malware updates will not prevent SECURITY breaches
especially when your personal data is seen as food for profits for hackers,slackers
and those wish to become overnight billionaires on the backs of who you really are.

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