if form follows function-explain bees wings
why sharks must move to breathe
why corporations are legally human beings
why the Internet is free
if function follows form-explain modern art
and random murders,bombings,assassinations
if both are true-or neither
please explain further.
Red anger activates.Eats away unless transformed into activism
Green peace activates.Disrupts whales,dolphin slaughtering
Red Communism is now Crony Capitalism(Russia),Corruption(China)
Green products cost more and are still hybrids
Red is the color of blood and restaurant tables and fires
Green shades of lost shadow rainforests.Plant more trees-or see red.!
Dispensing samples@Sun Harvest
Wild eyes,he transfixes upon me-
"Do you know of David Icke?"
"Yes..reptilians..Bildeberg..shadow governments..etc etc etc
He ,conspiratorially "It's getting closer,you know"
"Me-"O!-you mean 2012?"
"Yes",as he serves me hemp seeds"most folk are asleep"
I make a note to go to SPROUTS for samples
Paranoia needs company.I drop my fear
and buy a canteloupe,some cherries and blackberries
It's getting close,you know!
not peacocks ,nor gilded altars nor gods
more a shining bright as atomic bombs(for we may never see a H Bomb
and if we only start @A and never get to H(i will be happier
sans Princes sans Paupers,Paradises Promised via Politicians
Now the Price Of Gold has never been Higher
The price of Time demises(many doing time rather than vice versa
There may be a Gold Rush in Gold-but that is largely Futures
(ours is assured-we are More Than Minerals!
Earth still quaking ,planes still falling (in prices
Floods,pestilence,famine-simultaneous with astonishments
Who knows what will happen?-NEXT!
Deep in a cave in our minds,decisions are made
primal and passionate,never seeing the light of rational eyes
nor arguing rationally for/on/to a scientific basis
Ask why emotion rules when deciding AMERICAN IDOL
or cheering the murder of unarmed civilians
(Syria,Iran,Klu Klux Clan..every lynch mob/flash mob
every mutiny,riot,act of random(or authorized) violence
Our ancestors resurrect within our skin
when we glow back to our killing cave origins
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