may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Too many people-not enough fish stocks
Some will be extinct before we eat them
More will be valued beyond our budgets
remembering how lobster was once for servants and the lower classes
being(like catfish and prawns-a bottom feeder
with all the mud and muck and mess
as despised as carp-but still fished out!
Bycatch such as panfish/bluegills/perch/crappies and chichlids
now supplement bass and catfish as trash fish treasures
Tune,salmon and tilapia remain mainstay
swordfish still a high dollar valued item-
yet now supplemented with blackened redfish and drum..
Almaco jack ,blue runner and other forms of snapper
align with Chilean sea bass(Patagonian toothfish)
to make for adventurous menus and fresh palates
From catfish terrine to American bowfin caviar
(as netted in the Red River,Sabine and San Jacinto river systems)
sustainable fishing practices expand possibilities and taste experiences
Triggerfish with shallots and herbs,loup de mer,Texas redfish and fennel
served up with curry coconut milk and lemon-Gulf shrimp and grits
finished with tomato consumme-all these gastronomic experiences await
once we move from fishing out to hand fishing for your supper
Hunt and fish for what you will eat tonight
$Watch as your tastebuds embrace sustainable futures!

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