may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, December 12, 2011

"Rage,rage,against the dying of the light!"

Anger is not enough.Fury even less
La Rabbia is all that ignites and incites action
Pasolini vs Leifi Reichenstahl
Prendiamoci la cittia vs Jefferson Airplane
"Take this city"vs "We built this city(on rock n roll")
RECLAIM THE STREETS a feminist cry against rape
Mobs are not crowds.Iran,Syria,Egypt,Yemen=works in progress
Somali's armed gangs (and their opposition)
OCCUPY's peaceful intentions against aggressive police forces.
That which burns Buddhists and immolates Tunisia
Last stop where anger gets off and control releases
Rage is a trigger against injustice,a demonstration against murdered civilians
Pakistan enraged by 24 dead soldiers.Iran inflamed via spy drones
Rage red burns into cold cool steel white revenge
Heat of protests against irrational violence
Names of the disappeared-bang pots and pans in the streets
Names of the military murderers-petitioning justice
Names of those undercover infiltrators from Waco to Osama
Rage is required if your eyes are on fire
Napalm child naked in a Banksy mural
Tagging ,graffiti art,splashed bold wall statements
Mild child,milk maiden,forget your troubles and get down
Bullets are flying through windows and walls .Keep your head down
No point in wasting good bottled up Molotov cocktail rage-yes?

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