Whether or not Herbert Marcuse
authenticated OCCUPY posthumously
or whether his "right to resistance"
is countermanded by OCCUPY's hippy peacefulness
is looking through the wrong end of a telescope
Actions come first,rationalization and philosophy later
Analysis is fine in rarefied Boardrooms-
synthesis marries demonstrations and sit-ins
with projected violence towards them
and divorces theory from practice.
Unwise to adapt 1960s thinking to 2011 actions-
Color Revolutions,Arab Springs,Nuclear Winter
may have had a genesis in post -war re-org. of nation states
yet it is the present economic order that invites activism
Workers ally with OCCUPY-but ADBUSTERS initiated it
Students applied their social media skills,but homeless displaced them
This is a work in progress,immune to prediction.
Marx posited Revolution would happen in Germany
and was as surprised as Lenin that Russia should provide a lead.
Dictators' purges are stark warning for led Revolutions
Where we are is new-"we are building the car as we drive"
And the most important skill is not philosophy-it is to stay alive!
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