Austerity for breakfast.Cutbacks for lunch.Nothing for supper.
By using debt to reduce services to citizens,democracy-
"rule of the people,by the people,for the people"
has been supplanted by Euro-politics.Military occupation failed-
juntas of Generals failed,violations of human rights failed
Economic dictatorships succeed.Fiat Accompli.
Forgiveness of debt was made conditional
upon destruction of workers rights,retirements,pensions-
anything trade unions had gained for their members
was taken by a foreign cabal of governments
allegedly in the name of "saving"-the cost
was picked up in living conditions of Greek citizens
Greece has now been made in to a Third World country
This has been a deliberate policy.Who is next?
Unless and until austerity is replaced by peace and prosperity
we all are.Beware the cutbacks.(Death of 1000 cuts...
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