may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Powerful days blow boats out of the water
Images of change drastic and dramatic
All safe and secure no longer/dragons steam and hiss radioactive
Genie is out of the bottle/will not glow back within
(These are the times we are blessed to be borne in to -
and if perfect is not here,we will have to do(again!))
Some read one Book,and pray for miracles
More implore their gods to rule,and smote their enemies
Collective wants to crush all signs of individual
Few care their rigid limits make others nervous
Fatwa against writers/film makers assassinated
Poets imprisoned,social media censored
Governments shut down the entire Internet
Shakespeare would have been pilloried,tarred and feathered
Myth @the core,manifest as "destiny"
Translate as occupation,"gunboat diplomacy"
Illusion salvation via Roman military
forgets all roads lead to Rome was not built in a day
Compound earthquakes,insurrections,tidal waves
Consciousness arises -are we in the way?
Bless and release peace within as well as out
Prosperity comes when harmonies heal
and dreams only mean better actions are allowed
We are in the midst of primitive and spectacular science
Reptilian brain gives way to antidotes to violence
Art,song and sound restore our links to silence
what happens next unknown-as we evolve- in singing spirals!

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