You have troops occupying countries post WW2
They are still there (despite changed politics-
you are now strategic friends with corrupt Russia
and trade with Communist China.You war in Muslim countries
yet say it is not religious(just revenge).Vendettas recoil.
Terrorism becomes local as well as imported
You have troops stationed in your own cities
SECURITY forces ready to kick in doors
Your jails bulge with non-violent offenders
You pay for wars on drugs,poverty ,illegals
Surveillance industries profit by this-privitizing fear's responses
You pay for drones to bomb civilians.Police use these
You are under surveillance as we speak.This may be monitored.
No matter who is President,wars continue.In the name of war,
civil liberties are limited,lost.Bill of Rights abandoned
When Middle Eastern Muslim countries rise up against dictatorships
you are confused.Just as their Constitutions were allegedly for freedom
the reality is a gorgon stare.Now you must ask-what of our Empire?
Are we to occupy in the name of democracy/yet deny human rights?
Will we continue to torture?detain?use rendition?abuse?assassinate?
Must Palestine be declared unilaterally?Peace convoys unimpeded?
Are we to treat others as we treat our own citizens?
Can we dismantle NSA,CIA,FBI,TSA?
Who is in charge here?We,The People?
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