may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

burning outside WINDOWS

attention to world movies screened-
war movies in Libya
civil rights movies in Bahrain /Yemen
disaster epics in Japan
we do not need subtitles-nor special effects
These are bigger than 2012 or ARMAGEDDON (or THE DAY AFTER-
reality TV pumped like Tsunami into our information superhighway
Meanwhile ,our little lives attend to floods and furies-
winds that detree ,waves that wash our rivers away
Turn away from the TV.This is happening inside
Those conflicts allegedly religious are power struggles
for internal territory and mind empires
Every thought is a prayer/petition to powers
asking to be set free from tyrannies less obvious
than tyrants and dictators ,potentates and popes
Habit kills us via repetition/rote dullness dumbs us down
to enacting scripts less worthy of the acting.Fresh experience must wait
until the Rolling Stones stop touring,or Paul McCartney finds another wife
Celebrities distract us from Narcissus.We are made less when we adore their images
Cast your craven graven poster pinups from your walls of eyes cameras
You are being monitored and surveyed to extinction
The little world within calls for your immediate attention
Inside,calm,Lotus,lake-reminders of who you really are
when you let go /of all you ever thought you know.

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