may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, March 13, 2011


LIVE!(all over the world!-first an earthquake/next Tsunami
speeding waves crashing through coastal towns/wrecking all in waves-
cars,boats,towns-TV updates NUCLEAR FALLOUT!Google earth
defies censorship.(we do not wish to alarm/graphic images may meltdown
as cancercausing emissions are releaseed into both sea and air
We watch(quite helpless)as we who are of cyclone ,waves and storms
pledge instant help to a Japan as censored as it is nuclear.
Oil prices quiver,then drop.(Japan imports-LOTS!)
Libya distracted by waves off coasts of California /Australia
reminding us fragility and connections.All arguments fall
and fail to convince.Whether we are the cause of these outbursts
We are learning the results(vulnerability-thousands assumed lost
Billions the cost of these disasters.Wherever we are,is connected
By trade,war,Tv,Internet-and these natural outburst/outbreaks
shattering artificial walls ,drowning cars,bridges,towns-and we
who deny we are prime movers-must now move out of the way
Seventh Day Adventists knock @our doors with apocalyptic pamphlets
The real thing live on widescreen news.These lines are boats to rescue you
They bob about on the surface when real depth is required of you
You are not victims of Tsunami-it is you...

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