may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, March 13, 2011

before and after

before Google satellites,marks on maps-
"HERE BE DRAGONS!"/where explorers fell
off the very edge of their world-maelstorms,
Sargasso Seas,doldrums,typhoons,krakens
and storms that stripped all ships to deep
(there is no beginning to tragedy,and no end)
We cast comparisons disasters/personal/political
Runes,Revelations,W B Yeats-still it will not admit
each moment as unique.Litany of suffering Titanic
The one difference is witness.In olde worlds,
we fictioned white whales and spumed hurricanes
now we see it replayed like September 11 on INSTANT TV
Over and over the waves come in,planes tossed like toys
ships on land,cars on rooftops.We have seen pix of this-
yet moving images quick as 2012 or ARMAGEDDON
make fact of our fictional lives.Script repeats-
Chenobyl,Three Mile Island,now this..
will nuclear power be restricted when no power exists ?
Will we rebuild and repeat in death zones?
Are we capable of alignment with a Nature
that flicks us off like fleas at will
allows our occupancy as provisional?
Before now,probably.After this,questions..
When there is no power greater than earth
what will we do with all our household altars?
what will we do with our gods?

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