may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

it will happen(you will grow old..

and as you enter your Dream Carriage
you need decide How To Ride-
will you Work @it?-persisting in pushing
Tantalus rocks uphill?or roll with the waves
into Oceans of Silence?Meditate on Change
Watch as the Young Grow So Distant
(you were young once-but that was different)
Elders above you with Wisdom and Violence
now you must choose between Speaking and Silence
Friends around you pop out of their skin
@alarming  rates-they leave with no explanation
Selection is Natural at all ends and beginnings
editing life experiences your Reader's Digest.
Is your Universe Anonymous?Is this Personal /Experience?
Are you Linked via Love or Art or Life itself?
Will Time tune frequencies into harmonies of heavens
or beat and batter your Tsunami defences?
Are you separate/apart?or United/Whole?
Ready to Release or Control?
Each Intersection of Thoughts and Emotions
challenges Rebellion /Reaction of Devotion
You are always @a Crossroads every Midnight
and you must ask-is it my task
to understand or overcompensate ?
Will the passge of time reveal all?-
or are words wasted upon the young who ignore them
and the old who ,simply,in time,

will you be
bird in tree?
tree root deep?
or wings in flight-
as free as you dare be
beyond your span of wings?

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