may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"since smell is the last sense to go..

"find those aromas pleasant to your mother
(Mine loved vanilla and lavender-
not chemical vanilla with alcohol base
more the root bean seed that when snapped makes amazing aromas
"Touch her-her generation was reluctant to be touched
(perhaps alcohol abuse and fist and slap ended that
just say"as your son,it is important for me to hold you,mother
Hold her hands/massage her shoulders
Engage every sense to sweeten her time with us
Ask all the family to do like wise-seek what is pleasant to her
Supply more of it.I knew a couple-she was a senyasin
when in her mother's womb learned all these chants
Now they travel the world singing people through their final passages
Rather than sedated and fearful-to be harmonically birthed into her next world
Ask to massage her feet.The privilege of assisting in release
allows every one a learning experience.
Whatever you believe,before senses shut down
some always maintain vestigial needs-
to be touched,soothed,cared for lovingly
allows each to be at ease in this world
and to move in to the next.Love your mother
in ways her birthing body can understand
She /we are all on time release.Love is the plan.."

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