may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, March 5, 2011


i began via improvising
prior to that was listening/reading
text less important than performance
(Shakespeare via eisteddfods)
Listening to poems /ballads
allows the voice of song to come through
dead text lie like bodies unread on dusty shelves
aliveness came when voice to ear and speech to mind
hearing nuance,irony,drama inflected and re-
turning to core origin of speech as primary
Never believed that books has a voice(only humans
so when Supreme Court ascribes legal personality to corporations
i dissent.When it comes to book burning,i would rather see
books burned than people.No witch hunts nor censorship of libraries.
I write in the books i gift for free,and ask that the conversation continue
in print as on each coffee shop mike,so we might hear each other tonight
I have no time for tape books/CD books/ebooks/Kindle nor Nook
I make time to read authors new and strange-
those whose emergence slaps a reader's face
by saying the unspeakable,now and often
I have given away many thousands of poetry leaflets
over 200 poetry books (self published).They are gone-
memory remains.Write over this poem with your own
It matters less than your experience of it/and when
you are asked"what did the poet mean by this?"

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