may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Zebra is waiting as we set up the HIDEOUT mikes
She is sitting in state with a box labeled ZEBRA(she paid $7 for the box)-
and has mountains of stories she wants to share-
"Your aura is ENORMOUS!-she smiles
(we know each other from Austin streets,where
she has drawn and painted monkeys and zebras
sold them via ART FROM THE STREETS
She would like to exhibit @the hideout
compares her art to the current exhibition
Her stories stretch back to a Stevie Ray Vaughn 70's
(she ironed the rose shirt of Doug Sahm)
Her current adorer (Jason)-is quiet /respectful
She mimes"he is too soft for this world-
it is a crime someone like him is homeless"
(she has taken him under her wing-
she has $500 in her bra tonight.She commands him
to add to the tip jar.(this is before the poetry
and is an act of loving humanity-we
listen to each other.I know she must go soon
Her fate is the heat of these streets-mine is this room
She asks me to phone for a taxi-leaves with poetry/
IS poetry-her eyes have photographic memories
We will meet again,when she will tell you
all that i left out of this story...

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