may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, August 7, 2010


In these days of GPS and universal surveillance
are mere historical curiosities-museum scripts,antiquated,redundant
In these days of plastic oceans,Sargasso Seas and Marie Celestes
become analogies,prophecies,prescient
In these days of THE COVE,MOBY DICK shifts
from hunter to exterminated species-
altering both tone,moral and content
Fairy Tales Grimm transmute to Somali child soldiers
LIberian blood diamonds given to Naomi Campbell
Everyone knows about Killing Fields via APOCALYPSE NOW
Dalai Lama uses mass media,NEDA shot on YOUTUBE
Democracy censored via Saudi Arabian Blackberries
China censors GOOGLE EARTH and Internet
Digital cameras expose Guantanamo Bay/Abu Ghraib
and Wikileaks the deliberate killing of journalists
(it was a Lebanese journalist targeted by IDF last week)
Assassinations as state policy scripted via Tom Clancy
John Le Carre directs the(Russian) SPIES WHO COME IN FROM THE COLD-this time with 4G phones tapped/recorded digitally
Special effects have long been predicted and outstripped by JAMES BOND updates-and TITANIC does need to be re-issued in 3D
We still trust SALT more than SALT talks
and PEACE becomes as much historical as WOODSTOCK
Documentaries accrete pointing to ENRON,HALLIBURTON,BP
but we want PIXAR and WALT DISNEY
The magic is technology/as it knows but does not show
suggests but does not tell/of a CCCTV Brave New World -
1984 in 2010

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