may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, August 13, 2010

"the art of progress

is to preserve order amidst change
and allow change within order"(A N Whitehead)
before Light passes into recollection-
Praise to each day's reclamations-
Medicine Sans Frontiers,eyecare in Afghanistan
behead only those who behead others
their eye for an eye blind Gospel to the letter
Allow civilians peace and sanctuary as ancient
as cave,Cathedral and coven.Use troops to soak up floods
and fight only fires.Relief need be structural,so Life continues
Before extinction singular or compounded creates
more plastic oceans,tainted Gulfs,Chenobyls
May we seek Ever Renewable Energy sources-
air,wind,wave,water,sunlight-so seasons will sustain us
No more the need for cluster bombs or suicide bombers-
build Libraries of Silences(forests)-Lakes of Meditation(Lotus Lands)
Spaces for Gardens to Grow,so this Neutral Earth might heal
and all our Toxic Emotions(anger,fear,violence)might Surim (Purify
by release and transformation.If this be possible
May it begin.Let Light In,so we can learn again-
Wisdom of Ancients and Children /Elemental,Alchemical
Simple as Energized Affirmations,Attuned Samsara..

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