may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The price of words is going UP!
(i have a parking meter by my desk-
this page is a taxi,and the rates are astronomical
To get to where i want to be,i use these words
They carry me and my emotions better than birds-
little white carrier pigeons upon this battlefield page
between the big guns of professional journalists
and the blogs of millions of amateurs
No one is denied access-but we are all ignored
Everyone who writes knows this loneliness-
between creation and the marketplace-mythical imaginary audience
One by one,we onion moods/distill essences
get down to the grit and spark of daily domestic doings
until all that is left is us/beneath layers of us
Clothes of emotions cat scattered on the floor
Our Muse gone/fish flapping out of water
yet still this hunger for the deep
for those diamond words that creep
out at midnight,and walk these lonely streets
They who sleep through dreams ignore
the MORE that whispers outside your door.

I have a pet poet.she writes all my works
I call it "play"because of consciousness
She costs me only food and shelter temporary
I hire her to write this poetry.You see-
my life is prose.I keep a locked diary/she
can best explicate what i mean/when i say
i do not write my dreams(i LIVE them!)
So when it comes to writing,I commission
someone else to document.Which gives me time
to multitask while you read this last line.

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