may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"correlation is not causation"(Dilbert)

Despite Plotinus(seek certainty according to the subject matter)
we numb down and dumb down like Syd Barrett
when herpes complex has no cure/we 0 or 1 digitalize
so codes are reduced to bare bones.News=3 items.Weather-Worse
There are certain cultural barometers whose publications
become as significant as auguries.Stephen King for dark visions,
Umberto Eco for historical insights,Stephen Hawking for popular science.
Novels are rarely read-but mysteries remain
Book tours tout authors as New Celebrities/talk shows make gods of chefs
The Cult of Personality displaces content.Personalize,sensationalize,dramatize/media lies.
What is said flavors what is written.Interviews become storytelling art forms
Add"raconteur"to your CV if you wish to sell your blog.
TOP 10 for music,books,art finds common currency in star status.
Buy the new Leonard Cohen which is called "Old Beliefs"
Soon the talking heads will dictate style and content
Then we will no longer have to read
READERS DIGEST and TIME will have editorialized Cliff's Notes
and we will dream far away,fade and forget...
watching YOUTUBE,searching GOOGLE,trading brand names
like baseball cards or Dungeons &Dragons..

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