Bertrand Russell wrote THE CONQUEST OF HAPPINESS
but happiness is not a mountain to be conquered.
America was founded upon the pursuit of"life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
but happiness was not meant to be pursued like a bear@ a picnic
Buddha promised an end to suffering-but this does not mean "happiness"per se
Suffering makes some martyrs happy and fulfilled
and some people are actually paid to inflict pain (Sadists,executioners, soldiers)
Pain is pursued with spiritual determination by mystics,road warriors,adventurers ,masochists
and is no indicator of spiritual worth.Flagellation and stress positions their own reward.
Happiness for some is economic satiety,emotional tranquility,peace domestically
For others it is more dynamic ,resulting from success in business or projects
President Carter is happy doing HABITAT FOR HUMANITY
Ghandi was happy seeking independence for his people
Happiness may be both process and journey-to be calibrated individually
over various stages of one's life."When i was a child,i was happy with toys-
now i have guns and bombs and men and drones"
Happiness may be a dubious faux virtue-gained at the expense of others
One' mans happiness is another's sorrow.It may also be a false god.
Mars is happy with war-like Jove,Jupiter,Kali,Shakti.
Mammon is happy in shopping Malls and seasonal distractions
Some are happy with Black Friday strip 3D HD TVS
What you want/what you need/-or is it what you give/makes you happy?
Buddha smiles-but is that Fat Buddha?or Thin?
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