Invite all who knew /to a public park
where testaments in song and poem may be shared
and the spirit of departed revived via visualizing
Invoke best and brilliant images of child gone
via personal testimonials.Share the songs
There will be need to amplify and mix emotions
so they adequately represent full range of what was lost
Hold on to who they were-then release like balloons
into a sky of pure love,so each carries colors homewards
as a living gift to all those present.Keep the conversation
fresh,active,alive and vital so focus is on life not endings
then this story can travel beyond all limits of time and page
into the ears and eyes of all who find solace in loving the living
'even when they have moved on to other planes.
Change,adapt as required.Add flowers ,food,smiles
Mix well with hugs and cuddles for all survivors
Add to the love by both being more and giving more.
Explore your modes and rituals when one too young is snatched and lost
Then tell us what we have missed.This is the kiss of experience
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