may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Thursday, February 9, 2012


When you enter Quacks Bakery,you may see a picture
of Albert Huffstickler on the back wall.There may be copies of his poetry
which can also sometimes be found in the Hyde Park Newsletter
He is remembered at La Dolce Vita-and his park bench stands
awaiting anyone who wishes to sit and watch and write Hyde Park

When you enter Resistencia Bookstore-look up!Pictures of Raoul Salinas
and an altar to his memory on the bright right hand wall.
Every reading is dedicated to his memory

When you swim in Barton Springs,and bless the trees
Remember Susan Bright who argued well and long in poem and song
for their right to remain among us today

When you come out to an open mike,you may be gifted
with a book of Deb Akers-whose living library is being gifted
to the emergent poets of a newer Austin.She keeps giving!
Austin Poetry Society now has a contest in her name..
photos of her remain @Book Woman..

You are living altars of experience.You change via speech,text,actions
Your kindnesses are poetry.They heal hurts,they bless scars and wounds
Stay alive! Far better you speak your truth than this inadequate paen of poetic praises...

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