Inventory of acting (self-)governments-
Natalie Portman"s BLACK SWAN
Christian Bale's THE FIGHTER
James Franco's 127 HOURS
creating visual vocabularies more fragile than democracy
beyond entertainment-into a buffet of images
resonating in memories beyond seasonal distractions
Here in these dark days we sit in silence/reverence
for projected Light upon a whitened widescreen
to live and relive stories true and fantasies weaved
into an evolving artform.We do not need 3D(we ARE 4D!)
Gimmicks fail to convince-cartoon fantasies of/by/for children
while we watch adult stories mirroring darkened weavings
to see our tiny tragedies become something more than ourselves
Art extends us.Acting pretends we are mythic.Heroes mimesis.
This is why we dedicate time to concentrated images
Let others be PIRATED by UNSTOPPABLE sops-
we want more.Plot,character,script,photography-
jigsaw pieces of reality making mythos.Watch again-
this bears repeated chorus.Greek or merely tragic-
we echo what is into a what-might-be.Watch ourselves
change his/story...
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