may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

we can feel (but we cannot see

so we gather together(poetically
she offers shelter to see fool moon
even when eclipse is time behind clouds
we cling to fire and each other.Solstice
short of time,we listen faster,deeper-
public words we had shared
became private conversations where
each mythology evoked response
even when the morning threatened clarity
First we tried word games/until patience
wore off like firewood to ashes
Next we circled fire stories
made myth into personal sagas
Sang and chanted night into significance
As above,so we flowed-lines and songs and poems
shared ,daring planets to align as well as we did
We saw so little of the Heavens/we had to trust
that each of us was part of Uni-verse/and ritual
might expose us to wisdoms of night and stars
until we parted by firewood degrees,and morning bared
its clear and cogent amplitude of change
with gratitudes for a night shared
in the name of our only moon.

Car accident he-visualized throat cut /bloodied tshirt
SNAP !out of body-staring down from ceiling
at his own body still as life.Slow time this-winged
when he returned to life,all this became dream
which is why it is a story shared by morning fires

an accidental gathering of cats/instant messaged
conversations shared in diamond light
now burn the wood of gardens for our only light
All stars and moon have gone to sleep
They dream of us as we sing.

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