may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


she is ART/creates her seashell home
eggshell coracle pinks in gold gardens

she is MUSIC/dervish whirlwind violin
with Thomas Hardy dance passionate

she is COMPASSION/affirms all young
so they can heal from broken egg homes

she chants/ululates/Mothers Of The Disappeared
clanging pots and pans in political streets

WOMEN IN PINK-to remind us peace
is a gift of continuing consciousness

MICRO-LOANS to friends,housing poet homeless
so each might bridge to brighter presents

REIKI and BLOGS to share bright energies
(we are more than islands/peninsulates)

PROTECTOR OF CATS (all rescued animals-

OPENING MIKES like opening mouths and minds
to fill the future with bright mind food

Yule,Solstice-with gatherings of likehearted kin

ACTIVIST stirred by compassion/active when
the sleeping sickness of consumerism cries emptiness

AWARE organic gardens green presents
Solar powered smiles and wind wave renewables

MIRROR SUNLIGHT-to catch and release the golden
to shine and share with brilliant smiling!

DANCE,Brazilian Singing Bowls-SING!

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