may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, December 10, 2010

flashes and sparks

on my fence(red cardinal)
today is a bird!

why is it
cats curl
dogs straight?

my chalk love
washed away

in shopping Malls
i feel stresspasser

empty moon
drunk on a blue sky

white bud earphones
so she cannot hear me

underneath emotion cool
more iced moods

emoti/cons me
what you feel/i c

read this aloud.slowly.

white plastic shopping bag
eternal poetry

naked tree
clothes the grass

expiration date
on every dream

Al Zeimer visits
when we forget

December daze
shopping for time

my childhood swing-
old and bent as me

pain reminds me-
this body!

i am no mirror cloud sky
nor portents presage

at her wedding
eating to forget

rain drums

we sliced ourselves like pizza
a piece for you

gray world
green dreams

Buddha reminds me

just one Fall

old driver
limits speed limits

wake up !
shivering from a warm dream

returning to childhood
a matter of time

Paris a gift of time
even Paris dreams

love volunteers
like earth.Dig?

do houses wait
to become homes?

winter breath
solid air

exhausts follow cars
like gray dogs

without birds
will sky fall?

without sky
where will birds fall?

my ghost friends
they laugh at this last line!

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