may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Thursday, December 2, 2010

sarah palin,verbal terrorist

in the old days(Vietnam,Granada,Beirut)
when you invaded a country
you could withdraw unilaterally
now you spend one billion dollars on an embassy
and extend tours of duty indefinitely
Once wars ended.Via armistice,treaty or surrender
We somehow seem to be involved in a worldwide war
on an idea.It is like warring on a weed-or cancer.
No body can win against an idea whose time has come
here is one.Sarah Palin is a verbal terrorist.
She falsely accuses Wikileaks(a website)
causing a witch hunt against freedom of speech .
Remember the Reichstag burning?False fronts?
Accusations of "Communist"in McCarthy 50s
and that false report claiming Vietnamese gunships
attacked American ships in the South China Seas?
Like those mythical "weapons of mass destruction"that caused a war
and were never found after blood and billions were and are wasted?
Yet when the IDF kills 9 civilians on a Turkish aid ship to Gaza
and this in International waters,and the autopsies/medical reports
reveal murders of unarmed civilians,no action is taken.
Truth is at risk.Reality gives way to propaganda
Karzai is right!Civilian deaths via drones and troops are real.
This has become a war upon civilians.Hence TSA terrorism
with intimate,irrational and intrusive body scans.
If any of this is true,and you think deep and hard
what is to be done?When sarah palin is considered as presidential?
Rip up the Constitution.The pogroms have begun!

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