may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, December 6, 2010

religion of the Muse

Ars poetica demands obedience to Muse
she spilleth ideas ink pages
She leadeth insomnia midnights to dawns
She leadeth me to unsettled pastures
You share her(she shares (copyright) freely
Some do not respect her beliefs
They place fatwa upon prophets
They jail poets(some on death row
Siberia not so cruel as callous critics
who rule by bullet over ballot
and who persecute poetic wikileaks
Let her be(Neda)-she is innocent civilian
Do not touch her breasts @airports
Do not touch his junk INsecurity demands
we be vulnerable to creation at all times
not radiated like dead meat or vegetables
Frankenstein food for thought! MacDonalds of your mind!
Pray by light of computer screen
that our wildest dreams come true-
that free speech and freedom of assembly returns
In the words of Canadian Cohen-"Democracy is coming-
to America!"

some are leaving/have left
it is hard for them here on this planet
they huddle under bridges/sleep in their cars
work when they can/not just when they must
they have only bare bones with thin skin
i petition them-stay! These dark days will get darker
Wisdom of all people required-to care for another
is to love the Other in oneself.Dark mirror-
streets jail innocents,while criminals rule .
Stay,gentle doves-these hawks harry and thrust
but without your presence,all beauty is lost

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