may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, December 27, 2010


magnets within-pulling between
rock solitude and river company
evening dream and morning activism
Glow of Light within -connecting
Like Los Angeles as seen at night by hillside
All forms as temporary as time/tuned /attuned
struck strings of musical word rhyme
No straight lines on a butterfly's short flip life
all hip and hop and flip and flop flower to flower
All your eyes saw -a mirror/in a tree
shining twinkling changes -water surfaces
in a sky that blinked sunlight.Waves of energies
Imitative art framing cloudtrees.Hills hugging castles.
Tunnels beneath us-leading to caves,to seas,waves splash
repeat as necessary in moon stringed tides.This is why
we sit by sea side-rocking with reassurances
that we were birthed in waters deep,retain bloodstream
circulate in air as if invisible cages could release us
Read /scry/seek auguries in ways of wind and sea
Emperors still thrash tides of disobedience
Mad Neros still fiddle while wars warm burn Palaces
Heat applied when cool distance fails to impress
Charmed lives entice celebrity sickness-adoration of veneer
when within and wanting ,wan and wallowing,wishing wisdom
water tears slip down pink cheeks.Always this difference-
between the dream and its fulfillment.Between the line
and its provisional end  ing

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